Can we go deeper than deep sleep on the dash?

I have been working on code relating to detecting the state of the cloud connection based on debug strings read back from the SerialCloud. One thing I have observed is that if you call a deep sleep function, the cloud connection is not shut down. This means that it is not in as deep a sleep as it could be.

I have tried using SerialCloud.end() before the sleep and calling SerialCloud.begin() again after the sleep. In this case there is no detection of the cloud opening up.

I have attached code below that can demonstrate this by setting SHUT_DOWN_CLOUD to either true or false.

  1. How can the cloud connection be shut down and restarted to reach an even lower power state?

  2. Is there a better way to detect the state of the cloud connection and message transmission?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

#define SHUT_DOWN_CLOUD false

const String connectKeyword = "Modem is now connected";
char connectKeywordEnd;
int connectKeywordLength = 0;
const String sentKeyword = "Modem event: CLOSE";
char sentKeywordEnd;
int sentKeywordLength = 0;

// wait for the network to be connected
void waitForNetworkConnected( void ) {
  bool found = false;
  char cloudCurrentChar;
  String receivedFromCloud;
  found = false;
  while(!found) {
    if (SerialCloud.available()) {
      cloudCurrentChar = (char);
      // Keep our compare buffer to the keyword length
      if (receivedFromCloud.length() >= connectKeywordLength) {
        receivedFromCloud.remove(0, 1);
      // Watch for then end of strings
      if ((cloudCurrentChar == connectKeywordEnd) && (receivedFromCloud == connectKeyword)) {
        receivedFromCloud = "";
        found = true;

// Wait for message to be sent
void waitForMessageSent( void ) {
  bool found = false;
  char cloudCurrentChar;
  String receivedFromCloud;
  found = false;
  while(!found) {
    if (SerialCloud.available()) {
      cloudCurrentChar = (char);
      // Keep our compare buffer to the keyword length
      if (receivedFromCloud.length() >= sentKeywordLength) {
        receivedFromCloud.remove(0, 1);
      // Watch for then end of strings
      if ((cloudCurrentChar == sentKeywordEnd) && (receivedFromCloud == sentKeyword)) {
        receivedFromCloud = "";
        found = true;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  connectKeywordLength = connectKeyword.length();
  connectKeywordEnd = connectKeyword.charAt( connectKeywordLength - 1 );
  sentKeywordLength = sentKeyword.length();
  sentKeywordEnd = sentKeyword.charAt( sentKeywordLength - 1 );


void loop() {
  // Open the cloud

  // Wait for the cloud to be connected
  Dash.pulseLED(500, 100);
  SerialCloud.println("before sleep 1");

  // Wait for the message to be sent
  Dash.pulseLED(100, 500);

  SerialCloud.println("before sleep 2");

  // Wait for the message to be sent

    // Shut down the cloud before sleeping
  Dash.deepSleepAtMostMin( 1 );
    // Reopen the cloud
    // Wait for the cloud to be connected
    Dash.pulseLED(500, 100);
  SerialCloud.println("after sleep");

  // Wait for the message to be sent


  while (true) ;
