Cannot receive SMS on device

I’m using my Hologram sim card in an old verizon phone I had laying around. I setup the APN and am able to use data and using my hologram phone number. I also can receive text messages but I cannot send outbound messages from my phone (with the hologram SIM) to my other cell phone. I’m hoping there is an easy solution to this, maybe some setting I’m overlooking on the dash.

Thanks all!

One thought… make sure you have billing set up. From my project testing, each mobile outbound SMS message costs USD $0.19. I believe the billing will allow a “little bit” in the negative, but I wouldn’t expect it to be too large an amount.

Hope this helps.

- Mark

It’s possible that the phone is locked to the old verizon SMSC so might not fully work with our SIMs. Usually there isn’t anything you have to do but can you try to lookup the SMSC number on that phone and we can see if it makes sense? (You might need to google around how to do that for your model)

So a little update here. The messages are going out from my hologram phone, just not being received by my other phone. However if I send a text to my twillio number I can see the ‘raw data’. Below is a comparison from my hologram sim and a verizon sim.

{‘Body’: ‘From holo sim’
‘MessageSid’: ‘SM91d424c902736b1dc53b3325d258331e’
‘SmsStatus’: ‘received’
‘SmsMessageSid’: ‘SM91d424c902736b1dc53b3325d258331e’
‘AccountSid’: ‘ACd175d8cb541c1491249d5aec6653f70a’
‘ApiVersion’: ‘2010-04-01’
‘To’: ‘+1xxx34053xx’
‘NumMedia’: ‘0’
‘ToZip’: ‘02141’
‘ToCountry’: ‘US’
‘NumSegments’: ‘1’
‘From’: ‘+882360008198019’
‘SmsSid’: ‘SM91d424c902736b1dc53b3325d258331e’
‘ToState’: ‘MA’
‘FromCountry’: ‘XV’}

{‘Body’: ‘from normal sim’
‘MessageSid’: ‘SM26a48306e24466929d9b90df4e93a14f’
‘SmsStatus’: ‘received’
‘SmsMessageSid’: ‘SM26a48306e24466929d9b90df4e93a14f’
‘AccountSid’: ‘ACd175d8cb541c1491249d5aec6653f70a’
‘ApiVersion’: ‘2010-04-01’
‘To’: ‘+1xxx34053xx’
‘NumMedia’: ‘0’
‘ToZip’: ‘02141’
‘ToCountry’: ‘US’
‘NumSegments’: ‘1’
‘From’: ‘+1xxx77010xx’
‘SmsSid’: ‘SM26a48306e24466929d9b90df4e93a14f’
‘FromCountry’: ‘US’}

‘ToState’: ‘MA’
‘FromZip’: ‘01201’
‘FromCity’: ‘PITTSFIELD’
‘FromState’: ‘MA’

The “FromCountry” for the holo sim doesn’t look valid to me. Is it possible that other cell phones are just ‘smart’ enough to block this because it doesn’t look like a valid message? Also, the “From” number of the holo sim isn’t the number that I have purchased.

Yeah, SMS from the SIM comes from that +88236 non-geographic area code which could be triggering something.
You may want to call your cell carrier and see if they are blocking those messages. We have seen that some operators might do that by default. It’s not usually on the phone itself, but at the carrier level.

Yes, after looking at some verizon message boards that does seem to be the case. Is there anyway I can use routes to make the “from” number my purchased holo number?

Yes, if you setup an SMS route and your SIM has a purchased number then messages that trigger that route will appear as coming from that number.

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