I’m wondering how I can use hologram cloud data and allow everyone to see them(or at least allow php to access it). I doubt I can do that one holo cloud directly. Looked at organization but that’s fot another use. The solution may be with webhook but I’ve limited knowledge. My goal is to be able to use php script to use theses datas in a dynamic database. At the moment I only have 1 dash, but wil add more in the future. Do you have a clue or the good term to use for my researches? Also does webhook cost data or it is free as it doesn’t rely on cellular networks?
The advanced webhook builder is fairly simple to use. If you have your own webserver you could just send data from your webhook to a PHP script that does something when it receives POST data.
You might add a little password or something in the data so your PHP script will ignore POST that do not have that password (you could use the device id for example)
So your webhook might look like:
IN : choose your device
OUT: choose advanced webhook
url: https://yourserver.com/yourphpscript.php
payload: data=whatever&pw=<> (or whatever you want to send to your server)
Headers: Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
then your php script could have some logic like (of course you would need to write this out properly )
$string = $_POST[‘data’];
$pw = $_POST[‘pw’];
if $pw = “whateveryourpwis”;
do something with $string;
return “stop hacking my server”;
end if
end if
do the opposite could works? ->server pull data from hologram cloud directly?
Could you describe your setup a little more (what does your project look like?)
I have a pressure transducer giving me number as pressure level then I have to import every hour this data to server SQL datatable(a friend is currently working on this), it will keep a log of about 72 readings to show on a graphic. I’m working with Dash 1.2 and it need to be data efficient <1mb/mo. In the future more units will do the same thing(it should not reach a limit of “call” if there is one). It will sound noob but I’ve read docs about rest api and without a real example, I can’t figure out how to read “this device” and “theses datas”
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