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My devices always show “Ready” but I found when I shutdown a device, it still shows “Ready”. How can I get dependable knowledge if my remote devices are working or not?

“Ready” just indicates that the SIM is activated and ready for use. We can’t really tell you much more than that but we do indicate if the SIM is currently connected to the network.

we do indicate if the SIM is currently connected to the network.

Thanks. Where do you show that? Are you referring to “State” which shows “Live”?
If so, it seems that’s incorrect because it’s showing “Live” on a unit I pulled last week.

It will show “Connected” like this


Some of the confusion here might be that Live and Ready are the same thing. We might eliminate one of those soon.

Ok, got it. Explains why my devices aren’t responding as I have no “CONNECTED” on them. Crap. Well, thanks for explaining.

Any idea why it will not connect? It’s remote but I can connect to it’s shell via another connection. I have reset modem which made no difference. When I run hologram modem signal, I get between -79,3 and -81,4. I never encountered this in the years I’ve been using hologram.

Edit: Should say it goes around 17-19 and 2-4

What device are you using?

Nova (Blox)

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