Declaring digital pins as entrance

Hello. I’m trying to conect a push button to a digital entrance, so that if i push it, it will send a “T” to the cloud. If I don’t push it, it will send an “N”. The problem is that i’m not sure if the dash is actually reading the entrance, or if I need to declare the pin as an entrance and how to do it. I hope you can help me.

We’ll see if we can help. Can you post some info on the hardware you’re using?

It’s a simple push button conected to pin D16 (L10 on the board). It’s also conected to USB 5V and ground, so that when I push the button, the circuit closes and send the voltage to pin D16

I also conected a LED to see whe the button is pushed

So it sounds like you would write a program that polls for the state of the button and then does some action. It works the same as it would on an Arduino so a good starting point is probably here: or

It worked. Thank you. But I have another question: is there any web page or pdf that you have with the functions of the dash library? I’m specifically looking for one that turns the dash off when i push a button, and then turns it on when i push it again.

Right now everything is here:

I don’t think we have that kind of functionality right now though.

how do you configure IO pins as a wake up pin?

For deepSleep and shutdown, you need to set the appropriate wake-up pins using Dash.attachWakeup(wakeupPin, mode);
where wakeupPin is an IO pin that supports wake up (Check that the pin has an entry in the WKUP column of the pinout diagram in the Operation Manual, and mode is RISING, FALLING or CHANGE.

Here is a simple sketch that configures R04 as an input with a pull-down. R04 is used as a wake-up source when a rising edge is detected. The LED is on for 5 seconds at start, then deep sleeps (which turns off the LED). Make a connection between R04 and R01 (VBATT) and the Dash will wake, turn on the LED for 1 second, then return to deep sleep.

void setup() {

  pinMode(R04, INPUT_PULLDOWN);


  Dash.attachWakeup(R04, RISING);




void loop() {



