Elixir/Nerves connected according to LED but not when calling hologram.network.connect()


I am using Elixir/Nerves for a IoT project on a RPi3 and wanted to use a Hologram Nova for general internet access (HTTP requests, websocket connection, etc.), I read about how a PPP session can be established through both the CLI and Python SDK. I have the Python SDK installed with Elixir/Nerves running on a RPi3, I have a custom python script (foo.py) that I am using to run the commands I found in the online Python SDK documentation with some debug output:

from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud

def hello(arg):
    print "running python/foo.py, hello()"
    hologram = HologramCloud(dict(), network='cellular')
    print "initialized"
    result = hologram._networkManager.listAvailableInterfaces()
    print "network manager interfaces: %s" % str(result)
    result = hologram.network.connect()
    print "network connect: %s" % str(result)
    print "localIPAddress: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.localIPAddress)
    print "remoteIPAddress: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.remoteIPAddress)
    print "signal_strength: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.signal_strength)
    print "imsi: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.imsi)
    print "iccid: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.iccid)
    print "operator: %s" % str(hologram.network.modem.operator)
    return 1

The above script leads to this output:

running python/foo.py, hello()
network manager interfaces: ['ble', 'ethernet', 'wifi', 'cellular']
network connect: False
localIPAddress: None
remoteIPAddress: None
signal_strength: 21,99
imsi: [IMSI #]
iccid: [ICCID #]
operator: Verizon Wireless Hologram

The Nova plugged into my RPi3 has a solid red and solid blue light, I believe that indicates a successful powerup and connection? I see a operator but no local and remote IP. However as you can see from the output when I call hologram.network.connect() it is getting False. I have looked on the Forum but there isn’t much related to what I am seeing, I don’t see any errors or any other output that indicates what went wrong. Does anyone know what I can try? Or what could be going wrong when trying to establish the connection?

Thank you.

Hey @chiragtoor,

Does your Nova work correctly when you send messages to the Hologram Cloud? I’d be curious to see if there are any issues there as that will help us isolate the issue.


Hi Maiky,

Sorry for the late reply, but I was able to get around the issue. Ended up being some configuration issues I needed to take care of for pppd. I am able to connect now, I am interested in trying to write and open source a Elixir specific hologram package though. I noticed that the HologramAuth package is not publicly available, is there someone I can discuss that with?

Thank you.

  • Chirag

Hey @chiragtoor
Happy to hear you got this to work!

With regards to the HologramAuth package for the time its not something we have publicly available, but doing that is on our roadmap. I will bring this up in our next meeting to make sure our team knows that demand for that is increasing.
