Having trouble with sending messages

Hi, I’m trying to use Nova R410 and Hologram SIM to talk with my Raspberry Pi 2. I’m using hologram SDK version 0.8.3 (as instructed in https://support.hologram.io/hc/en-us/articles/8972898568727-Python-SDK-Hologram-CLI) because my program is written in Python 2.7.9.

I tested a simple message-sending program below and found that it encountered ‘[Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable’ error when it executed “hologram.sendMessage(‘message’)” in line 9.


from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud

deviceKey = {‘devicekey’: devicekey}
hologram = HologramCloud(deviceKey, network=‘cellular’)
result = hologram.network.connect()

if result==False:

response_code = hologram.sendMessage(‘hello, world’)

I checked that ppp0 was successfully set up and ‘hologram.network.connect()’ and ‘hologram.network.disconnect()’ were working. Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?
It seems that error occurs when the program send +CGMM cmd in the hologram.sendMessage(message) code.

Thank you

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