I’m trying to get a Feather FONA to work with a Hologram SIM. I was hoping to use the stock library and the demo app with as ffew modifications as possible. Here is the AT command debugging of my attempt to send an SMS message:
10:09:21.564 -> FONA HOLOGRAM TEST
10:09:21.564 ->
10:09:21.564 -> *** Initializing FONA…
10:09:21.669 -> Initializing with AT commands
10:09:21.739 -> —> AT
10:09:22.240 -> <—
10:09:22.313 -> —> AT
10:09:22.845 -> <—
10:09:23.368 -> —> AT
10:09:23.719 -> <— AT
10:09:23.757 -> —> AT
10:09:23.793 -> <— AT
10:09:23.828 -> —> ATE0
10:09:23.862 -> <— ATE0
10:09:24.007 -> —> ATE0
10:09:24.042 -> <— OK
10:09:24.079 -> —> AT+CVHU=0
10:09:24.116 -> <— OK
10:09:24.288 -> —> ATI
10:09:24.880 -> <— SIM800 R13.08
10:09:24.880 ->
10:09:24.880 -> OK
10:09:24.880 ->
10:09:24.880 -> RDY
10:09:24.880 ->
10:09:24.880 -> +CFUN: 1
10:09:24.880 ->
10:09:24.880 -> —> AT+GMM
10:09:25.468 -> <— SIMCOM_SIM800H
10:09:25.468 ->
10:09:25.468 -> OK
10:09:25.468 ->
10:09:25.468 -> +CPIN: READY
10:09:25.468 ->
10:09:25.504 -> —> AT+CPMS=“SM”,“SM”,“SM”
10:09:25.573 -> <— Hh⸮⸮⸮V⸮⸮5
10:09:25.647 -> —> AT+CMEE=2
10:09:25.685 -> <— OK
10:09:25.685 ->
10:09:25.685 -> Battery check
10:09:25.723 -> —> AT+CBC
10:09:25.797 -> <— +CBC: 0,100,4217
10:09:25.868 -> —> AT+CBC
10:09:25.935 -> <— +CBC: 0,100,4217
10:09:25.935 -> VBat = 4217 mV
10:09:25.935 -> VPct = 100%
10:09:25.935 ->
10:09:25.935 -> Setting APN to ‘hologram’
10:09:25.935 ->
10:09:25.935 -> *** FONA is OK, hardware initialization complete
10:09:25.935 ->
10:09:25.935 -> *** Hologram test begins…
10:09:25.935 ->
10:09:25.935 -> Checking cell network status until connection established…
10:09:26.003 -> —> AT+CREG?
10:09:26.040 -> <— +CREG: 0,2
10:09:26.077 -> Network Check #1: Status 2: Not registered (searching)
10:09:26.077 -> Sleeping: 5000
10:09:31.144 -> —> AT+CREG?
10:09:31.214 -> <— +CREG: 0,2
10:09:31.214 -> Network Check #2: Status 2: Not registered (searching)
10:09:31.214 -> Sleeping: 5000
10:09:36.270 -> —> AT+CREG?
10:09:36.342 -> <— +CREG: 0,5
10:09:36.342 -> Network Check #3: Status 5: Registered roaming
10:09:36.342 -> Network online
10:09:36.342 ->
10:09:36.342 -> Display diagnostic data…
10:09:36.342 -> Get IMEI —> AT+GSN
10:09:36.451 -> <— 868441034987278
10:09:36.451 -> IMEI: 868441034987278
10:09:36.451 -> Get CCID —> AT+CCID
10:09:36.593 -> <— 8944502802190659097f
10:09:36.593 -> CCID = 8944502802190659097f
10:09:36.593 -> Get RSSI —> AT+CSQ
10:09:36.694 -> <— +CSQ: 7,6
10:09:36.694 -> RSSI = 7: -100 dBm
10:09:36.694 -> End diagnostic data
10:09:36.694 ->
10:09:36.694 -> Attempting to enable GPRS until successful…
10:09:36.694 -> Enable GPRS Attempt #1:
10:09:36.767 -> —> AT+CIPSHUT
10:09:36.804 -> <— SHUT OK
10:09:36.841 -> —> AT+CGATT=1
10:09:36.944 -> <— +CME ERROR: unknown
10:09:36.944 -> Enable GPRS failed
10:09:36.944 -> Sleeping: 5000
10:09:41.952 -> Enable GPRS Attempt #2:
10:09:41.989 -> —> AT+CIPSHUT
10:09:42.027 -> <— SHUT OK
10:09:42.098 -> —> AT+CGATT=1
10:09:42.133 -> <— OK
10:09:42.170 -> —> AT+SAPBR=3,1,“CONTYPE”,“GPRS”
10:09:42.282 -> <— OK
10:09:42.317 -> —> AT+SAPBR=3,1,“APN”,“hologram”
10:09:42.387 -> <— OK
10:09:42.490 -> —> AT+CSTT=“hologram”
10:09:42.490 -> <— OK
10:09:42.562 -> —> AT+SAPBR=1,1
10:09:43.379 -> <— OK
10:09:43.415 -> —> AT+CIICR
10:09:43.484 -> <— OK
10:09:43.484 -> Enable GPRS success
10:09:43.484 -> Attempting to send SMS(dest=40404, msg=STATS @hologram)
10:09:43.517 -> —> AT+CMGF=1
10:09:43.555 -> <— OK
10:09:43.624 -> —> AT+CMGS=“40404”
10:09:44.184 -> <— >
10:09:44.184 -> —> STATS @hologram
10:09:44.222 -> —>
10:09:44.222 -> —> ^Z (0x1A)
10:09:54.758 -> Failed
10:09:54.758 -> Test complete, halting
Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?