Hi Erik,
I’m just getting 0,0,0 for the xyz values, and the ACTIVITY, INACTIVITY, and DROP are executed as well.
I’m using version 0.9.2 board driver (downgraded from 0.10.x because of Serial Monitor issues).
Software adjustments for INO file:
• Comment out the call to attach interrupt
• Change the interrupt pin to D05
My connections are:
SDA — L03
SCL — L04
VCC — 3.3V
Not using pull-up resistors for SDA and SCL
SDO not grounded
SC not connected to either VCC/Gnd
My observation:
Aside from output being always 0,0,0, The ACTIVITY, INACTIVITY, and FREE FALL is always logged. This happens with and without the ADXL345 module being connected.
(In Arduino and Adafruit, it’s usually only 0,0,0 when the module is disconnected.)
This I think should not be the case based on the condition set at:
if(adxl.triggered(interrupts, ADXL345_FREE_FALL)){
Serial.println("*** FREE FALL ***");
//add code here to do when free fall is sensed