I am trying to set up the old school pager that was on Hackster. I am using a Seeed SIM900 GPRS shield and cannot get it to connect with the Hologram network.
It seems to startup fine… but it never gets past he Arduino code “starting up”.
Howdy @plumcrazyrobotics. To get this figured out would you mind sharing your sketch?
You may already know this, but…The Arduino GSM shield and the Seed SIM900 Shield use different cell modules, thus their Arduino libraries are not compatible between each other. Because of that, copying the sketch from the Hackster tutorial would not work out of the box with your setup.
Yup. I edited that and even deleted and uploaded the simple SIM900 code and library to see if I can just connect the the hologram network
Guys… any help would be great.
@plumcrazyrobotics if you could share your sketch code then I can help. Otherwise, I’m kinda just shooting in the dark.