I have a bunch of Nova devices with module SARA R410M-02B. They are all running firmware version:
L0. [Feb 03 2018 13:00:41]
I want to update the firmware as describe elsewhere on this forum. I followed these instructions,
hologram-tools/novaupdate at master · hologram-io/hologram-tools · GitHub
for installing the updater. I performed the update,
sudo python nova410update.py
and it worked! Then I attempted to update a second and third device and the updates failed. Here’s what happened:
$ sudo python nova410update.py
You are about to update the UBlox firmware on your Nova R410 device.
Once you continue past this point do not power off the modem
or stop this utility before it has completed.
Note that this update may change some behavior of the modem
related to profile selection and LED blinking. See hologram
documentation for more information.
The update may take up to 25 minutes to apply
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y
Confirming modem type
Checking current modem version
Got version L0.,A.02.00
Sending file /home/matt/spotter/hologram/nova/hologram-tools/novaupdate/fw/0200/L0506A0200-to-L0508A0204/0bb_stg1_pkg1-0m_L56A0200_to_L58A0204.bin
Writing file to serial port
ERROR: Failed to send file via xmodem
I tried several more times with the similar, but not identical results. Each attempt failed, but sometimes it tried sending 3 files, sometimes 2 files, and sometimes only 1 file.
Any suggestions?