Nova R410 (Cat-M) Issues (Troubleshooting tips and tricks and known issues on the R410 Nova + user feedback on issues)

Interesting, and thanks for the troubleshooting page and dedicated thread.

Hologram still doesn’t have access to T-Mobile’s NB-IoT network….” << good to know I was going to ask about that soon anyway, as I noticed I could not get my R410M on the T-Mobile NB-IOT network. Does Hologram have any NB-IOT network access with any carriers yet (I’m mostly looking at Europe / Australia)? Europe seems to be going NB-IOT instead of Cat-M1 (GSMA | Mobile IoT Deployment Map | Internet of Things ) and for my product I’d rather stick with the R410M to support Europe in the future than have to go 2G with a separate module.

"First device level registration for new SIMs on the Cat-M1 network have taken significantly …This behavior can take up to a few hours… " << I have found setting the MNO profile ( AT+UMNOPROF=3 / AT+CFUN=15 for Verizon in US) to be helpful. This reduces the first connection time to minutes or less. Of course the downside is you have to know which country you are in and they only have profiles for US, China, and Australia based telecoms. It would be interesting to know exactly what the Modem does with this command since I tried replicating it with the URAT, UBANDMASK, and CGDCONT commands and it does not work, so I think there is something else that happens with UMNOPROF besides setting the frequencies, apn, and technology.