I successfully ran curl -L hologram.io/python-install | bash plus python-update. Now when attempting to connect I get “Modem not detected.” The device is visible on lsub:
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05c6:900e Qualcomm, Inc.
When I run sudo echo:
sudo sh -c 'echo -n 05c6 900e > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id’
and then try:
sudo hologram modem connect -v
I get:
INFO: No modem found. Loading drivers and retrying.
INFO: Loading module option for novam
ERROR: Modem not detected.
This SIM card was activated last year and has been operational before. Any next steps to take?
There should be 2 ports available on the R410, only one is usable for running AT commands. Our script checks all available ports in the TTY/usb* path. If you unplug and plug the device back in do you see multiple ports available? if you only see the one than I’m not sure its possible to communicate with the device.
Thats not unusal to get, like if you type something wrong or forget a parameter or if the operation just times out in general. The fact its responding is really all the SDK looks for. So if you use screen and just type AT it should just respond OK and thats how the SDK looks for available ports for modems.
hmm weird it looks like its registered on the network. Can you run AT+CREG?, AT+CGREG?AT+CEREG? and AT+COPS? CEREG looks like its registered but worth seeing other network states
So its not connected to any networks based on that output which makes sense why PPP would not work. Are you sure your sim is in a good state? not suspended or anything?