I follow this guide:
"support. hologram. io/ hc/ en-us/articles /360045634694-Establish-a-secure-Spacebridge-tunnel-to-a-device-using-ssh*
and I first had to figure out how to do RESTFUL POSTS to delete all my bad keys. (Why does this part have to be so freeking COMPLICATED???). Not everone is a master REST programmer and speaks JSON instead of english.
… but I got through that.
I then followed the instructions above then had to delete all the other keys in my .hologram folder.
Then I was successful with:
bash ssh-keygen -f spacebridge. key -b 4096
PUBKEY=$(cat spacebridge .key.pub); curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d “{"public_key":"$PUBKEY"}” “https:/ / dashboard.h ologram .io /api/1 /tunnelkeys?apikey=~APIKEY~”
bash ssh -p 999 -L 5000:link10311:22 -N -i spacebridge.key [htunnel @ tunnel. hologram .io](mailto:htunnel @ tunnel. hologram. io)
and it ask me to authenticate with the passcode I had used to create my key. That was all fine.
gives me my fingerprint and then does nothing…
HINT HERE: please tell the user in the CLI that the tunnel is established and open.
So, I open up another terminal window and do the whole “ssh pi @ 127 . 0.0.1 -p 5000”
and I get a “kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer”. from the PI and I cannot go any further.
this is the result of about 30 hours of studying and work from two people and very frustrating!