The el Arduino IDE says Board at COM3 (Serial port) is not available on Dash board, someone can help me?
Try clicking Tools->Port and choosing a different port. Windows will sometimes mount it on different ports
I try to change the COM port but i can´t, you could tell me how do it, and how use digital pinouts because i´ve been tried configure it like arduino but i cant get anything done!
What version of Windows are you using?
I am using Win 7 32 bit, but i´ve been tried on Win 8 64 bits and i cant do it, you have some idea to solve it?
Try using this driver on Windows 7:
I tried install it but says that isn´t compatible with instalation method!
We’re releasing a new driver soon that might help with this. Do you have access to a computer with Linux? It would be interesting to see if your board works on there.
Well i think that have a big problem becasue I´m working on a win 7 32 bits computer and i can compile programs using Arduino IDE but when i try upload programs into “dashboard” i cant, becase is generated a file called “dashupdater.exe”, have 64 b bits architecture, my PC only have 32 bits, whats is the solution, I don´t have a computer with Linux!
Here you can find a 32 bit dashupdater.exe (you have to run Arduino IDE with administrator privileges).
I can’t debug my application without Serial.println() function. Can anyone help me?