Recognize a Hologram SIM card.

We’re going to use Hologram (along with others) SIM cards in our devices. We have EG25 usb LTE modems embedded in our devices. We want to provide automatic APN settings configuration basing on an ICCID of inserted SIM cards, (like: 410 - AT&T - “reseller”, 260 - T-Mobile - “wholesale”,…), we’ve found that Hologram has itself MNC (mobile network code) - 760, but Hologram SIM cards we’ve got have ICCID like 8901260xxx, so such SIM cards recognized by our logic as T-Mobile ones and a “wholesale” APN name gets used, which is not what we want…

Is any way to recognize a Hologram SIM card as a Hologram to make it possible to automate APN settings configuration?

Generally using T-Mobile APN settings for Hologram SIM cards allows us to get an internet access, but we’re not sure that such APN settings allow carrier switching, which is one of Hologram benefit, so a question: do we have to use a “hologram” APN name when we work with Hologram SIM cards?

Does Hologram utilize only a T-Mobile radio access network or there are other physical mobile operators that Hologram utilizes?

Does IMSI get changed in a case of carrier switching? May we rely on this fact to automatically setup proper APN settings for the new carrier?

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