Send/Receive SMS without Hologram-Python

I have been trying for a while now, but I can’t seem to figure out how to send an SMS with AT commands. I have a suspicion that it is due to a lack of Device ID. When sending the message utilizing the CLI (and including the Device ID) it works. But when using the following AT commands, or any other combination I’ve tried, it says OK, but nothing ever comes through.

What am I missing? Can this even be accomplished with the Nova?

Type message here

That’s basically all you need to do. Did you try without the + before the number?

I have tried all combinations of removing the + and the 1. After reading some of the responses to other posts, it seems that sending via TCP…AT+CIPSEND (?) is a better way? I was going to attempt to decipher an Arduino library someone made for the SIM800/900 tomorrow. But I may as well ask here…

What would the command set look like to do that?

Are you trying to send the SMS to your personal phone number? We have seen some carriers like Verizon block messages from IoT devices using our special non-geographic area code. You can call them to remove that block or test with a different phone number to see if that works better.

Sending data messages would be cheaper and faster, but of course you need to have some service somewhere that can receive those messages. It can be a little complex to do that manually and you may want to take a look at the documentation from ublox on that.

There are some examples on this forum though. Here’s one using UDP:

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