Update Plan Api Error

Hello all, I’m trying to update a plan using the api as documented, and I am getting repeated 500s when I am using the seemingly correct parameters below:

    "plan": 202,
    "zone": "global"

URL: https://dashboard.hologram.io/api/1/links/cellular/<link_id>/changeplan

I am using this documentation and following it carefully, but receiving an error. I can share more info about the link id, org, and account, but wondered if anyone has seen similar issues.

Try using tier instead of zone, sorry we are in the middle of updating these api documents

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Thanks for the prompt reply, that worked! Any other updates in the API to be aware of?

Not right now at least off the top of my head. We have been pushing towards making things faster and consistent across the board so if anything most undocumented things are not like what you ran into but rather additional optional parameters.

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