Using the Dash with Third-party Servers Directly

Dear Konekt,

Is there a way to free the Dash from the Konekt Cloud web service?

I was really hoping to be able to use the Dash in the same way I can use an Arduino Uno with a SIM900 shield for example.

In it’s locked down state I can’t figure out how to:

  • send an sms using AT commands
  • retrieve incoming sms messages
  • call my own web services directly from the dash (not via the Konekt web hooks)
  • fire udp data to a udp listener
  • I’ve had the modem become unresponsive due to an overheat and can’t detect in code that data is no longer being sent & received and re-power the modem in code
  • read analog inputs via analogRead

I was hoping the Konekt would provide me with an upgrade to my controllers running Uno’s with 2G shields.

Hi, most of this stuff is coming in some upcoming firmware updates. You’ll be able to send and receive SMS and connect to any webserver. Sorry for the delay.

Thanks Reuben

Do you have an estimated timeline for each of the features?

Also, can you please advise when analogRead will be working?

Hey @michael,

Thanks for your questions! Here are some more detailed answers.

  • analogRead(...) is currently (as of the past two days) in final testing
  • We’re looking into a good way to visualize feature progress
  • We’re developing a function call to send an SMS, which won’t require AT commands
  • Direct HTTP (Dash) and HTTP/HTTPS (Dash Pro) support will be implemented soon
  • We will be supporting TCP and UDP to either the Konekt Cloud OR a socket server of your choosing without needing to use AT commands—this will be a function call
  • We have a physical pin to power cycle the modem and are looking into implementing that detection and adding it to our self-healing algorithm—the modem goes into a panic mode if the radio gets too warm, in order to prevent damage, and we’re developing a way for our firmware to automatically power-cycle the modem in that state after giving it a moment to cool back down (this is not a usually occurrence, only an occurrence in extreme environmental circumstances)
  • Incoming SMS messages will be receivable in two ways: function call or by turning on a passive SMS mode (which results in SMS messages automatically appearing on the SerialCloud buffer), and this functionality is currently in final testing as of two weeks ago (some bug fixing has been happening on this functionality)

The Konekt Dash is intended to often be used as a replacement for needing to use AT commands; however, it is possible to reprogram not only the User Module, but also the System Module (which talks directly to the modem). We designed the Dash to be flexible, customizable, and open.

Hope this helps,

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Just looking for an update on the above from a couple of months ago. Most of these features are probably released by now but some pointers on how to use the functions would be appreciated - thanks:

  • We’re developing a function call to send an SMS, which won’t require AT commands

  • Direct HTTP (Dash) and HTTP/HTTPS (Dash Pro) support will be implemented soon

  • We will be supporting TCP and UDP to either the Konekt Cloud OR a socket server of your choosing without needing to use AT commands–this will be a function call

  • We have a physical pin to power cycle the modem and are looking into implementing that detection and adding it to our self-healing algorithm—the modem goes into a panic mode if the radio gets too warm, in order to prevent damage, and we’re developing a way for our firmware to automatically power-cycle the modem in that state after giving it a
    moment to cool back down (this is not a usually occurrence, only an occurrence in extreme environmental circumstances)

  • Incoming SMS messages will be receivable in two ways: function call or by turning on a passive SMS mode (which results in SMS messages automatically appearing on the SerialCloud buffer), and this functionality is currently in final testing as of two weeks ago (some bug fixing has been happening on this functionality)

Dear Konekt

Just chasing an update on the features you mentioned in your post below a few months ago that were coming in future updates. Has there been any progress on these or any hidden documentation that references any of this functionality that I haven’t found?



Hello, I too am interested in sending data to a TCP listener directly without using the cloud api.
Just following this thread to get updated. Looking forward to this functionality.


I am also interested in in sending data to a TCP server directly.
Is there any update @HologramPat

We will be supporting TCP and UDP to either the Konekt Cloud OR a socket server of your choosing without needing to use AT commands—this will be a function call


Currently, because the firmware is open sourced, it is doable by changing the destination.

Unfortunately, since the open sourcing of the firmware it hasn’t been a high priority to implement that feature natively yet :frowning2:
