What is the MCC and MNC of hologram SIM cards


Developer here.

Looking to program my company’s firmware to decode the MCC/MNC of the SIM card in our device at runtime, and set appropriate APN credentials to use for network connection dynamically by looking up known credentials matching a given MCC/MNC profile (usually enough to get connected if you know the country/carrier of the SIM card in the device).

We got a Hologram SIM card to test out but unfortunately I don’t have access to it to decode the IMSI. It is currently physically located on the other side of the world and my colleague doesn’t have access to a piece of kit to debug print the IMSI num.

I gather from some other posts that showed debug logs that the MCC/MNC of hologram SIM cards is either:

MCC = 234
MNC = 50


MCC = 234
MNC = 507

Which is it?

Found my answer:

  IMSI = 234507xxxxxxxxx  |  MCC = 234  |  MNC = 50 
APN_name = "hologram"
userName = ""
passWord = ""
keepAlive = 58


Thanks for the post. I see that MCC = 234 is for UK. Are you in the UK? We’re in the US and trying to figure out what our MCC / MNC codes are.

The MCC has little to do with what country you are in while you are using the SIM card, and everything to do with what company licenses the SIM card. For example, the Particle SIM cards are all licensed to Spain (i.e. MCC is 214) but will work all over the world thanks to Movistar/Particle’s roaming agreements with cell networks worldwide.

Similarly the 234 MCC for Hologram SIM cards is due to the fact that Jersey Telecom - who I suppose are the company affiliated with Hologram, are based in the UK.

See the list of MCC and MNC codes/countries/companies here:


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