AT commands to Nova

I have a Nova connected to Raspberry PI and I would like to issue AT commands to the modem. The hologram CLI works great, but now I need some additional features. More specifically, I need to issue HTTP/GPIO/I2C commands to the modem. How is this possible with the nova?

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I don’t have a NOVA yet but I believe it’s Modem without MCU…
Thus you can issue HTTP commands to Nova following sample HTTP GET/POST in this UBLOX link (starts at page 84). Make sure you establish GPRS connection prior to HTTP commands.

Next is that GPIO/I2C will be handled by PI so it might not be covered here.

Just an update. I got a NOVA and it works pretty well. Got consistent auto-connection (3G) under 30 seconds.

If you’re using MAC and wants to test AT commands (network registration, HTTP, TCP, etc.), just use SCREEN inside terminal as follows:
• Connect NOVA to USB port.
• list down all devices connected to USB port:
ls /dev/tty.*
NOVA wll usually take up: tty.usbmodemfd121
• excecute screen command:
screen /dev/tty.usbmodemfd121 115200
terminal will log +UMWI: 0,1 to +UMWI: 0,4

  • execute AT commands

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