Problems connecting to our devices via Hologram

Hello, We are trying to connect via SpaceBridge / tunnel our devices (we have three prototypes with SIM cards and hologram modems) but it throw us an error like this:

ssh: connect to host port 999: Connection refused.

It happens suddenly, 1 hour ago, it was working without problems but now we can not connect to any device

Hey, we had a brief outage this morning but it should be back now. See if it works for you now

I don’t know about other people, I can not connect any device yet.

We’ll double check everything

We’re seeing connections succeeding on our end. Are you still seeing issues?

Well, we have two devices running, In one, we can connect well and in the another one, it keeps trying to connect without responses

Would you mind reaching out to We’ll escalate and try to see if there is any residual issue that might breaking that one SIM

Yes, not problem… we will verify first if it keeps happening in few hours and we will write for support.

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