Hoping @Reuben can chime in on this. As you know, I’ve been using Hologram for quite a while. I have a few dozen customers now and on Friday one of them reported seeing something that suggested that my product was receiving SMSs, but that it did not understand them. I saw the same. I finally got to investigate this today and the SMSs via the API are showing up at my cellular module differently than they ever have before.
When I send SMSs from my personal cell phone to the non-geographic +882… phone number, SMSs show up to the cell module normally. When I use the API (or using the “Messaging” page on the Dashboard) it is broken. I’ve changed nothing on my end. I have to assume this happened as part of the work on Friday, April 1.
xxxxx = redacted for privacy
message 01: “a”
message 02: “abc”note:
1.timestamp in AT+CMGR response is an hour different when sending through +882… vs API
2.“from” number is always my personal 512xxx cell number. “to” number is different which is not really surprising, but may be of interest----sending SMS from my cell phone to +882 36 00099 xxxxx
22:37:25.586 → AT+CMGR=0
22:37:25.700 → +CMGR: “REC READ”,“+1512xxxxxxx”,“”,“22/04/04,03:37:23+00”,145,4,0,3,“+19703769316”,145,1
22:37:25.774 → IN : a
22:37:25.808 → —> AT+CMGF=1
22:37:25.846 → <— OK
22:37:25.884 → —> AT+CMGD=000
22:37:25.918 → <— OK22:37:35.142 → AT+CMGR=0
22:37:35.284 → +CMGR: “REC READ”,“+1512xxxxxxx”,“”,“22/04/04,03:37:31+00”,145,4,0,3,“+19703769316”,145,3
22:37:35.789 → IN : abc
22:37:35.789 → —> AT+CMGF=1
22:37:35.826 → <— OK
22:37:35.859 → —> AT+CMGD=000
22:37:35.934 → <— OK----same 2 SMSs sent via dashboard . hologram . io/org/32579/device/637563/message
22:37:47.590 → AT+CMGR=0
22:37:47.729 → +CMGR: “REC READ”,“+1512xxxxxxx”,“”,“22/04/04,04:37:46+04”,145,4,0,4,“+447797704088”,145,1
22:37:47.805 → IN : 6
22:37:47.843 → —> AT+CMGF=1
22:37:47.843 → <— OK
22:37:47.915 → —> AT+CMGD=000
22:37:47.953 → <— OK22:37:53.510 → AT+CMGR=0
22:37:53.652 → +CMGR: “REC READ”,“+1512xxxxxxx”,“”,“22/04/04,04:37:52+04”,145,4,0,4,“+447797704088”,145,3
22:37:53.759 → IN : 616
22:37:53.759 → —> AT+CMGF=1
22:37:53.797 → <— OK
22:37:53.835 → —> AT+CMGD=000
22:37:53.872 → <— OK
…about an hour later I tested with a longer message with less logging.
1.it’s unlikely that it’s a coincidence that 61 in Hex is ‘a’message 03: “aaaaaaaaaa”
message 04: “bbbbbbbbbb”
message 05: “cccccccccc”----sending SMS from my phone to +882 36 00099 xxxxx
00:03:38.779 → SMS: 1
00:03:39.519 → IN : aaaaaaaaaa
00:03:57.763 → SMS: 1
00:03:58.473 → IN : bbbbbbbbbb
00:04:16.280 → SMS: 1
00:04:17.204 → IN : cccccccccc----same 3 SMSs sent via dashboard . hologram . io/org/32579/device/637563/message
00:04:45.368 → SMS: 1
00:04:46.132 → IN : 6161616161
00:05:04.054 → SMS: 1
00:05:04.992 → IN : 6262626262
00:05:22.842 → SMS: 1
00:05:23.617 → IN : 6363636363