API/Dashboard Updates

Deployed this week:

  • Made device tagging API endpoints a little easier to use by not requiring orgid to be sent if the devices are on a custom org. (Though the devices should match the org of the tag. See docs for more info)
  • Device tagging should also be much faster now when tagging a large number of devices
  • Improvements to shipping emails

Deployed over last couple weeks:

  • Fix issue with dashboard not refreshing SIM status after pause and resume
  • Couple billing fixes
  • Laying some groundwork for some new features coming soon

Deployed over last couple of weeks:

  • A SIM hitting it’s overage limit will now trigger a message in the cloud with the _DATALIMIT_ tag so you can subscribe to it and trigger routes.
  • Various fixes and performance improvements

New version (0.8.2) of the Nova Python SDK is out. See changes at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hologram-io/hologram-python/master/CHANGELOG.md

Deployed over the last couple days:

  • Fixes to larger activations
  • More shipping options available for larger SIM card orders (especially with packs) and more free shipping options in some cases

Deployed today:

  • Get bulk tower location data by setting withlocation=true on the /devices API call. (Previously location data would only work when looking at a single device.) See API docs for more information.

Deployed last couple days:

  • Device objects on /devices now show latest IMEI value for device. We will show the IMEI and the IMEISV. Previously only IMEISV was shown on lastsession object. IMEI was added as this is usually what will match the label on the physical device.
  • Can now search devices by imei with ?imei=<imei> and ?imei-sv=<imeisv> URL parameters
  • New SIM inventory feature. (More information on this coming soon.)
  • Fix issue that sometimes prevented people from updating email address.
  • Fix some bugs people were seeing with activation and give better error messages for some failure cases.

Sorry for lack of updates in this thread for a while. Had some good stuff deployed recently:

  • Dashboard now shows more usable data size units for usage data
  • A bunch of optimizations to the cloud data message endpoint and GET requests in general
  • Updated the REST API documentation on our website. Feel free to post a thread if we forgot anything important
  • Hoping to unveil some cool new features for you all soon

Some notable recent deployments:

  • Connection details on the device page will now show the technology being used by the connection (2G, 3G, or LTE) if the carrier is able to report that data to us
  • Routes let you flip between an OR and AND comparison for the topics you select. This will let you build routes that only match if all of the topics on the route are on the message. Previously, all routes were OR which meant they would fire if any of the topics on the route were on the message.
  • We have deployed more sophisticated rate limiting to maintain quality of service on the API. Most people probably won’t ever run into it, but if you are making too many requests you’ll receive a 429 response. See docs for more information.

Deployed over last couple weeks:

  • Improvements to data engine reliability should make rules fire much quicker after receiving message
  • Data messages to devices should be more reliable on Cat-M
  • Error responses to data messages are more clear about what happened instead of saying “socket timeout” for everything
  • All SMS messages sent to SIMs will now trigger a message in the data engine as well. The message will be tagged with _SMS_DT_ and the device ID
  • Lots of little bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Laying groundwork for new dashboard features coming soon

Deployed today:

  • Device data messages (inbound to device) will now be saved in your message log with the topic _API_DT_
  • Fixed issue preventing some users from accepting their organization invite

Deployed last few days:

  • SIM shipments to the EU are much cheaper
  • More accurate delivery estimates in the store

Read about our major new Preflight feature here:

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Deployed this week:

  • Basic SMS delivery receipts: if the network indicates that an SMS you sent to a device was delivered, you’ll now see a message with the topic _SMS_DT_DELIVERED_ to indicate that. It doesn’t track to a specific message yet, just that a message you sent was delivered to the device.
  • Organizations with large numbers of devices should see better API performance when filtering /devices via IMSI

Deployed recently:

  • /devices endpoint now has a states filter to show devices with a specific state set
  • IMEI changes now trigger messages in the data engine. The first time we see an IMEI for a SIM, you’ll get a message with _IMEI_FIRST_. If an IMEI changes, you’ll get _IMEI_CHANGE_ which can also have the topic _IMEI_TAC_CHANGE_ if the first 8 digits of the IMEI changed which indicates a totally different hardware type. (Note that this message will trigger within a few minutes of session close.)

Deployed this week:

  • SMS routes can now use variables in the phone number field and the body of the message is now fully customizable, including using variables.
  • Webhook routes will return some more specific error messages for certain cases that weren’t being covered before, like invalid HTTP headers.

We’ve been working on this thing for a while, hope you guys like it:


We’ve been making some tweaks to the new dashboard thanks to all of your feedback. Note linkid is now available next to device ID on the devices page and there have been a bunch of other styling tweaks. More small improvements coming soon.

Wow, kind of dropped the ball on updates in here. Here’s some recent stuff:

  • Big performance improvements to usage reports for organizations with a large number of devices
  • SIMs will now be paused if you run out of money on your account to pay for sent SMS messages (previously it was just for data usage) This will help prevent runaway devices
  • Transferring devices between orgs can now happen if you’re an admin on both and not just if you’re the owner
  • Session expiration makes a little more sense
  • Preflight SIM activation should go through normal SIM activation endpoint
  • Lots of little bug fixes and performance enhancements throughout platform

Edit: Should note that you’re still responsible for paying for SMS that you use and should monitor SMS usage on your devices so that you know what you’re sending.

We released a new Python SDK for the Nova today with a couple new commands. Changes are listed here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hologram-io/hologram-python/master/CHANGELOG.md